Hummus, this oriental dish that we taste, enjoy during aperitifs with friends of summer, who breathes the sun, joy and good humor. This spread that we love to eat, but which we rarely cook, because chickpeas are too long to soak, to cook … It is often prepared with canned chickpeas or even directly made in the trade for the most lazy of you. However, it is such a simple recipe to make and above all tastier and better for health without aditif or preservatives. So, convinced to make a homemade hummus?
Origin and History of The Houmous
Its origin
Sesame cream "tahini", garlic, chickpeas, lemon: one thing is on, the ingredients of hummus are more certain than its origin. But then, is hummus from Israel, from Lebanon? Or Pakistan?.
Originally from the Near East, no less than 10 countries claim the traditional hummus recipe: Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt, Israel, Greece, Armenia, Syria, Jordan and Turkey. It is a real hummus war that exists between these different countries. There are several theorys about the appearance of this dish:
- The first theory dates from the 13th century, and takes place in … Egypt. But in this hypothesis issued by Ari Ariel, a culinary historian from the Middle East, is discussed because in the recipe two ingredients missing: garlic and sesame cream. It's a big deal, isn't it?
- The second, it dates from the Middle Ages, and comes from Lebanon. Indeed Beirut, the current capital is a culinary cradle of the Middle East and has from the Middle Ages a tradition with lemon.
- The third, more recent theory dates from the 18th century. It was reportedly established in Damascus by Turkish leaders of the Ottoman Empire. Empire famous for the capture of Constantinople in May 1943 to the Roman Empire. Damascus was then a rich city is sophisticated. Hummus was served in terracotta bowls: a dressage worthy of a chic urban dish and not an ancestral tradition of the Middle Ages.
But what does the origin of the Houmous matter, isn't it important that it is present on your plates today? And that thanks to him you have a good time?
What is the main ingredient of hummus?
Hummus is made up of garlic, sesame cream, lemon, parsley, olive oil but the main ingredient is chickpeas. On the other hand it is possible to make recipes based on vegetables such as beetroot, legumes, such as split peas, white beans or lentils.
Houmous recipes
Chickpea Houmous: The Traditional Recipe
Chickpea hummus, or Lebanese hummus, remains the traditional recipe. To prepare a traditional hummus, you will need:
Beetroot hummus
Houmous is a chickpea recipe that can be easily declined according to the seasons.
Here we deliver a more colorful recipe based on Beetroot. In beetroot, Matthias from Picardy spent his childhood in the fields of red beet and sugar beet. His autumns were rocked (or not) by beet trucks crisscrossing his village in order to reach the Chevrières sugar factory. To prepare a beetroot hummus you will need:
Ingredients for 8 people
- 300g dried chickpeas
3 cloves garlic
1 uncooked red beetroot
10 fresh parsley leaves
1 lemon juice
10cl olive oil
3 CaS sesame puree or tahin
Salt/Golden Sesame Pepper
Burger Healthy au Quinoa
- 50 gr de Quinoa
- 20 gr de Graines de tournesol et de sésame
- 1 petit pain grillé au blé complet (type krissprolls)
- 1 c. à café d'origan
- c. à café d'ail en poudre
- c. à café de curcuma
- 2 œufs
- 10 gr d'huile d'olive
- 2 steaks hachés à 5% de matière grasse
- 1 avocat
- Quelques feuilles de salade
- Sel & Poivre
- Faire cuire le quinoa dans l'eau bouillante pendant 20 minutes
- Egoutter le quinoa et le mélanger avec les graines, le petit pain réduit en miette, les épices et l'œuf pour former 4 galettes
- Faire chauffer l'huile dans une poêle et faire dorer les galettes de quinoa avec le steak 2 à 3 minutes par face.
- Former les burgers en superposant la première galette, le steak, l'avocat coupé en tranches, les feuilles de salade puis la seconde galette.
White bean houmous
Houmous is a chickpea recipe that can be easily declined according to the seasons. Here we deliver a more surprising recipe based on White Beans. On our first attempt we were blown away by the taste resemblance to the original recipe.To prepare the recipe for white bean hummus you will need:
Ingredients for 8 people
- 300g white beans (cooked or canned)
6 cloves garlic
5 fresh basil leaves
1 lemon juice
10cl olive oil
2 Sesame puree or tahin caS
1 CaC cumin powder
1 CaC paprika
1 Oregano CaC
Broken pea houmous
A recipe we love, feel free to add mint!!To make the recipe for broken pea hummus, you'll need:
- 100g split peas
- 1 tablespoons sesame oil
- 1 clove of garlic
- 2 teaspoons sesame seeds
- 1 teaspoon cumin
- 1 tablespoon semi-complete sesame puree
- 1 teaspoon paprika
- The juice of a small yellow half lemon
- 12 tablespoons of broken pea cooking juice (a little more, a little less depending on the consistency you want)
- Salt
Bean houmous
One of the recipes we prefer, the beans are widely used in Egypt as for example in the recipe of the ladies foul.
So it is here a recipe of hummus rather originating from Egypt that you are presented.
- 1 clove garlic
- 1 can (540 ml) black beans, drained (but reserve juice)
- Two tsp. soup of water
- Two tsp. soup of lemon juice
- 1 1/2 c. tahini soup (sesame paste)
- 3/4 c. tea of cumin powder
- 1/2 c. salt tea
- 1/4 c. cayenne pepper tea
- 1/4 c. paprika tea
- 10 Greek olives
Houmous d'edaname
For 8 people, you'll need
- 1 bag (375 g) edamame beans
- 2 garlic cloves, minced
- 1/2 cup tahini
- 1/2 cup water
- 1/2 cup chopped fresh coriander
- 1/4 cup lemon juice
- 3 c. soup of extra-virgin olive oil
- 3/4 c. ground cumin tea
- 1/8 c. cayenne pepper tea
Houmous without tahini
Do you have no tahini, sesame cream in the cupboard, or no tahini? This is not a problem, it is possible to make a recipe for hummus without tahini, for this you will need:
Houmous Light / Healthy
It is possible to make a recipe for light hummus, to replace the tahin with white cheese. For the rest keep the proportions of lemon, chickpeas, garlic, sesame oil and cumin.
If you liked our hummus recipes, don't hesitate to browse our other recipes.